By the Numbers August 27, 2015 08:00 2 Comments

Today is exactly one month since we launched our website. We are fascinated at how quickly website traffic can pick up... or slow down, and how far word of mouth can travel.  It's amazing how much information we can get from a behind the scenes view from our website host, shopify.  Before we get into the numbers, a big thank you to everyone who has helped spread the word about UPstudio.  So far, we have only been marketing through social media and word of mouth, so all of our new likes, clicks, views, tweets, etc. are generated from people talking about UPstudio or sharing our posts and products with friends.  Ok, now on to the good stuff:  who doesn't love a good set of statistics?

Statistics for our Website:

Clearly our website launch day was the most popular for numbers of views:


People from literally all over the world have found our website:

Here's a look at our top products sold, and which ones have been viewed the most:


Some Statistics from our Facebook Page:

Wait, you haven't liked our Facebook page yet?  Go fix that right now!


The most popular Facebook post was about our podcast with The Morning Stir:


There must have been something magical about August 15:


More Facebook fun facts:  Posts have reached people in 15 states and 43 countries!



Twitter Stats:

We have 16 followers (which is kind of embarrassing, so go follow us now), including Carolina Hurricane Zach Boychuk.  We're curious to know Zach:  Are you in the market for a planner to keep your hockey schedule straight?  Do you have a lot of correspondents to keep up with and are looking for great everyday cards to drop in the mail?  Or do you just like supporting a Raleigh business?  While we're at it, what's your girlfriend status?  (Asking for a friend.  No seriously.  We are happily married, but we have totally cute friends.)



Most Liked Instagram Photo:


Other Cool Facts:

Shopify lets us know how we're doing compared to other stores that launched the same day as ours.  We're not at the very top, but we're higher than most!


Ok, that's a lot of images for one blog post.  What else do you guys want to know?  More dish on Hurricanes players?  More statistics?  Leave us a comment below (we're looking at you, Zach).


-- Mary Beth and Becky


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